sm0kefumes: Get to know me | TMI tag


Tuesday 25 March 2014

Get to know me | TMI tag

I was going to do a haul post but seen as though I did a product FI recently I didn't want to bore you all with constant makeup/beauty, so I decided to do the TMI tag even though I'm not tagged, here we go!  

1: What are you wearing?
I'm just wearing a plain grey smock dress and a grey jacket, boring grey for a boring gray Tuesday afternoon. 

2: Ever been in love?
I'm in love right now! Me and my boyfriend (Jack) have been together for almost 1 year and 3 months and I'm 100% positive I'm in love!

3: Ever had a terrible breakup?

Yeah, when I was 16 me and this guy were constantly on and off and it was horrible, the final time we broke up was just horrible I never ever want to relive that. Ever. 

4: How tall are you?

I'm 4'7 (140cm) Yes I am being serious, I'm almost 18 and I'm only 4'7 its very laughable.

5: How much do you weigh?

I don't really weight myself that often I actually try to avoid putting myself onto the scales. I just make sure I'm eating properly and working out as often as possible plus I always go off by what my gran says, she's always very honest with me!

6: Any tattoos? 

Sadly not yet :( I'm 18 in July so hopefully that will be changing as soon as I can save up £120 for the tattoo I've planned. Although I don't want to have too many as I have to think about my professional look for when I'm older and looking to enter the job market.

7: Any piercings?

Only my nose for the moment which I'm actually considering taking out as it looks pretty unprofessional and I feel that I've out-grown the whole 'rebellious teenage angst' look. I'll maybe have my ears re-pierced but I'm not planning anything major yet!

8: OTP?

OTP's usually make me feel pretty ill as some of them are far too extreme and over the top and just weird. I once someone write a fan-fic of Hermione and Fluffy the 3 headed dog... Safe to say that was removed pretty quickly from that webiste. If I had to OTP anyone it would be Dexter Morgan (Dexter) and Daryl Dixon (The walking dead) I feel that Dexter and Daryl would be the cutest couple and just go on a complete killing spree! 

9: Favorite show?

Deffo has to be Dexter at the moment it's just so interesting and gripping! It's more of a psychologically based show but oh my lord they have the BEST plot twists! I recommend you check it out it's available (all 8 seasons) on netflix! 

10: Favorite bands?

I'm really into The Stranglers, Rammstein, The Story So Far, While She Sleeps, Black Sabbath, Neck Deep, A Day To Remember, Lorde, Nirvana and Blondie. My music taste varies a lot as you can tell, I like to keep myself open to new styles/bands I've been there and done the whole 'I only listen to *insert music genre here*

11: Something you miss? 

I miss being at secondary school and just having a great time with all my mates! 

12: Favorite song?
I don't really have one, I listen to so so so many bands it's pretty impossible to pick my favourite. 

13: How old are you?
I am 17 turning 18 on the 12th of July (put that in your diaries ;)

14: Zodiac sign?
I am a cancer the crab, I feel like I'm every single trait of my horror scope. It describes me perfectly :-) 

15: Quality you look for in a partner?
I look for someone who's funny, loving, caring, very understanding, calm, likes to have cuddles, intelligent and fun. I've basically described jack :-) 

16: Favorite Quote?
I don't really live by quotes or have one that's really inspired me as of yet but maybe that will change with time. 

17: Favorite actor?
Johnny Depp, hands down. 

18: Favorite color?
I love black. You can never have too much black. 

19: Loud music or soft?
If you're going to play music it has to be loud or else what's the point!? 

20: Where do you go when you’re sad?
I like to get in bed and watch some Netflix and cuddle with whichever one of my seven cats has taken pity on me. 

21: How long does it take you to shower?
Depends, I can take 5 minutes and be showered in a flash or I can take about 40 minutes doing my full beauty routine. It totally depends on where I'm going. 

22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Again it depends on where I'm going, for college I can be ready in 40 minutes (including hair washed) or if I'm seeing jack it usually takes me well over an hour! 
23: Ever been in a physical fight?
No I'm proud to say I've never ever ever been in a fight once.

24: Turn on?
Ginger hair, beards, good music taste and intelligence. 

25: Turn off?
People who are arrogant, smelly and rude. 

26: The reason I joined Youtube?
I don't actually post videos (maybe if I get a decent camera I will be starting to in the near future!) but I actually made an account so I could subscribe to amazing youtubers! YouTube is soley responsible for me getting so much involved with hair and beauty. 

27: Fears?
Suffering, suffering is my biggest fear I really can't stand to be in pain or upset or living in fear. 

28: Last thing that made you cry?
Having to say goodbye to Jack at the train station. :(

29: Last time you said you loved someone?
This morning whilst me and jack were having a cuddle. 

30: Meaning behind your YouTube Name?
I don't really have an answer for this. 

31: Last book you read?
The hunger games ; mocking jay. If anyone hasn't read this series YOU NEED TO RIGHT NOW. Oh lord it's so amazing. 

32: The book you’re currently reading?
I'm not currently reading anything :( if anyone has any recommendations for me, I'm open to them! 

33: Last show you watched?
Dexter which is slowly becoming my favourite series of shows over NCIS. If you haven't seen it, you really really need to! 

34: Last person you talked to?
Jack just now, we've just been to tesco to pick up something for us all to eat. 

35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
The last person I text was my mum. 

36: Favorite food?

Tuna! I love tuna so so so much and it drives Jack mad, haha!

37: Place you want to visit?

I have a strong yearning to visit the east of Europe, mainly Russia and Ukraine for some reason. I'm drawn to those two countries and I'm really unsure why given the current situation over there.

38: Last place you were?

I was last in a different place this afternoon if that's what this question means!? I was last in Manchester visiting Jack.

39: Do you have a crush?

I have a crush on Jack if that counts?

40: Last time you kissed someone?

This afternoon when I was saying goodbye to Jack :(

41: Last time you were insulted?

I don't really remember the last time I was intentionally insulted, yay.

42: Favorite flavor of sweet?

Has to be orange! Although there are no orange bon-bons...

43: What instruments do you play??

I don't play any sadly, I used to be able to (sort of) play the guitar but not anymore I'm afraid.

44: Favorite piece of jewellery?

The ring that Jack bought me for our year anniversary.

45: Last sport you played?

I went swimming last night, god I love swimming!
46: Last song you sang?

What does the Fox say I think, Jacks nephew was wondering around singing it this morning and it's been stuck in my head all day!

47: Favorite chat up line?

Did you fall from heaven because your face is messed up.

48: Have you ever used it?

Haha oh god no, I don't think it would get you much apart from a slap in the face.

49: Last time you hung out with anyone?

This afternoon with my gran when I went to see her after I came home from Jack's house.

50: Who should answer these questions next?

Anyone who wants to! I wasn't even tagged in these but I still did them, leave me a link to your answers below I can't wait to read them!

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